Vision, mission and values
We have come far as a community and we have collectively achieved many outstanding things.
Now we need to plan for the journey ahead of us. To move our University forward, here is our proposal for what we will do and how will do it.
Our vision
Middlesex University: innovative and inclusive, united by a shared purpose, we will shape a better world.
Our mission
To shape a better world through practice-led, transformative education, high-quality, impactful research and innovative engagement.
Your feelings about the proposed vision and mission
Our University Strategy 2017-22 includes a vision and mission rooted in the idea of transforming potential into success. Our new proposed vision and mission recognises the important role we will continue to play in providing opportunity and enabling transformational journeys and also expands and focuses this.
Share your feedback with us so we can use it to adapt these statements.
We live by our values
Living our values will be a core part of our culture and how we work. And through our culture we will be a values-led community.
Our current values capture the essence of Middlesex however we want to refine their articulation. They should be authentic, memorable and define how we will live, learn and thrive over the coming decade.
Your views on our values
Our Strategy 2017-22 sets out the following values and accompanies them with a commitment to embedding them in everything we do:
- We put students first
- We collaborate, achieving more by working together
- We act fairly, with integrity, respect and purpose
- We shape the future, continuously improving on what has gone before
We are reviewing our values and we welcome your views as part of the consultation process. Initial feedback has indicated that some of our values are still very relevant to our future direction but that some may need to be amended, added or removed.
Explore our strategy
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Got more to say?
We’d love to hear from you at [email protected]
Engage with our strategy
These ideas are a starting point – now it is over to you. Have some fun and tell us what you think of this proposal.
Shape the strategy >