Our Integrating Themes – where we focus

We have identified three areas of focus for our global community of academics, professional services, students and alumni. We are passionate and committed to making a significant impact and contribution to global challenges within these themes.

Equity and improvements in health and wellbeing

We take action to make healthcare better for those who need it and to improve physical, mental and social health and wellbeing in all parts of society.

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Inclusive socio-economic development and enriching lives through culture 

We believe that entrepreneurship, culture and creativity can build a more equal, caring and prosperous society that enriches everyone.

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Sustainability of communities and the environment

Locally, nationally, and around the world, we support people to make their communities more sustainable and fairer and to protect the environment.

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Our themes and sustainable development

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. Our integrating themes have clear links to these important goals.

Middlesex is part of the SDG Accord which foregrounds the critical role that Higher Education has in delivering the SDGs and the value that our institutions bring to governments, business and wider society.

Check back for updates on the SDGs as our Strategy evolves.

Download our strategy

Our plans for what we will do towards 2031 and how we will do it.