Strategic Implementation – Engagement
Our purpose in Engagement is to work with others to create collaborative advantage aligned with our integrating themes, in support of education, research and knowledge exchange and our civic agenda, whether on a local or global scale.
— Developing a distinctive, global reputation and positioning aligned to our integrating themes
— Forging strategic alliances or partnering with leading individuals or organisations, including national and international research relationships, to increase impact in our integrating themes
— Adopting a creative and flexible approach to partnering, working in Communities of Practice to achieve collaborative advantage with business, industry, the professions and the public
— Growing our influence across the Higher Education sector, and in local, national and global markets
— Developing our Further Education partnerships in London and the UK to enhance reputation and extend our community
— Delivering high-quality transnational education through academic partnerships and overseas provision, extending our academic reach and ensuring sustainability
— Developing our strategic relationships with employers to benefit our current students and support graduate outcomes
— Harnessing the knowledge and skills of our global alumni network to benefit our current students and in support of our strategic priorities and integrating themes
— Developing our civic agenda to increase our contribution and impact at a regional level across our network of campuses
— Our reputation is sector-leading in our integrating themes and we are recognised as having significant contributions to make in these fields
— We are seen as sector-leading for our collaborative and creative approach and are recognised locally, nationally and internationally as a partner of choice
More on our Strategic Implementation
Find out more about the themes and help us to build up a picture of work around them.
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Download our strategy
Our plans for what we will do towards 2031 and how we will do it.