Rethinking drugs policy

We use our academic rigour and research to rethink big issues and drive the policy agenda. We use research-based evidence for better decisions and outcomes. We have a strong focus on young people and their use of drugs and this affects those in higher education and beyond.

Work at our Drug and Alcohol Research Centre

Improvement to treatment for substance use disorders has become a significant international agenda and Middlesex’s Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (DARC) works to anticipate and respond to this growing priority. 

Collaboration across disciplines and countries

DARC undertakes international, national and local multi-disciplinary research which contributes to knowledge and understanding of drug and alcohol use, patterns of use and how use differs across cultures and countries and over time. The Centre creates collaborative advantage across research and knowledge exchange, engagement and education. 

Research into prevention and treatment

DARC engages Middlesex staff across Health and Education, Law, Business, and Science and Technology. They are involved in several research projects funded by the EU or other international sources, government departments, research councils and charities. The Centre undertakes research across a range of themes including treatment and service delivery; substance use and the criminal justice system; prevention and early intervention; workforce development; substance use across the life span; and quality improvement and best practice, while also supporting postgraduate research students and a Master’s degree. 

By providing consultancy services and working with a network of associated members, independent researchers, NGOs, Social Enterprise organisations and service providers, the Centre produces research which is relevant to both policy and practice. 

Looking ahead – our future work

What we have achieved so far in this area is just the beginning.  

Looking ahead to the next few months, we are leading a project to look at student drug use, its wider health and wellbeing impact, and influence Government policy on drug use. We are bringing in expertise from our Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, our student support activity and partnerships across sectors and around the world. 

“I’m really excited that Middlesex is leading sector work with Universities UK in this important area. It’s a great example of how the University can bring its research, education and engagement expertise to find radical ways of tackling a problem. We’re looking forward to putting our expertise and knowledge in this area into action to bring about equity and real improvements in health and wellbeing.” 

Professor Nic Beech, Vice-Chancellor of Middlesex University  

Take action around drugs

We are looking for collaborations to help change thinking around drugs and alcohol.


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