Engage with the strategy

The development of our new strategy has been an evolving and iterative process, throughout which colleagues from across our global community have engaged and contributed ideas, suggestions, reflections and questions.

Below is our previous video, which sees our inspirational, younger audience engaging with our work, and sharing their thoughts too.


Our engagement so far

So far, there have been over 4,000 community engagements with staff, students, governors and partners to date, including 898 comments from our cascade packs provided to colleagues to help them help us engage further with this process.

Your part in our evolving strategy

As we are continually progressing towards the finalisation of the strategy, we will lead with an action-oriented, agile approach to ensure inclusion and collaboration – to reflect our values and care for our global MDX community.

Effective engagement and dialogue was and will continue to be essential in our work. There will be many opportunities to be kept up to date with the developments at this stage in the process.

Join the discussion

Head over to Padlet to chat with colleagues about the strategy and consultation.

MDX Virtual Strategy rooms

Our consultation questions

Take a look through our Consultation questions that helped to shape the strategy.

Anything more to share?

Send your further thoughts, feedback and suggestions to [email protected]