Enablers for success
To enable us to work successfully towards achieving our strategic priorities, we will harness our existing strengths and focus our efforts into seven areas outlined below.
As we move forward, our aims and objectives will be set out in sub-strategies and action plans on these enablers along with Education and Research and Knowledge Exchange.
Our people and culture
Middlesex has a strong heritage and a distinctive combination of disciplines, where health, education and creative arts meet technology and business. Our talented, innovative MDX community of people and collaborative culture and shared values are our greatest resource and are pivotal to realising our vision.
Our growth and financial sustainability
We see growth as critical to enabling our future success. With increasing competition and a forecast squeeze on traditional funding streams, we will explore opportunities for growth that will increase net income and diversify our funding sources. We believe this will complement our efforts to widen participation in HE by, for example, offering entry routes to those that do not traditionally go to university, such as through modular lifelong learning opportunities.
Our digital and physical infrastructure
Achieving our priorities will require a step-change in how we use technology and how we learn with our campuses. Our experiences through the COVID-19 pandemic have shown us that we can adapt quickly. We will build upon this to develop an engaging, technologically-enabled learning and working environment. We will explore how digital and IT developments could allow us to transform how we work as a University and how we enable interdisciplinary teams to work on global issues. We will ensure flexibility and choice in how we increase accessibility and embed learning in work and practice in learning.
Our sustainability
We need to take sustainability seriously in order to ensure our actions meet our community’s needs without compromising the ability of others and future generations to meet theirs.
Sub-strategies and action plans
A core component of the strategy development process has been the work undertaken in five workstreams focused on:
Research and Knowledge Exchange >
As we move towards implementation, our detailed aims and objectives will be set out in a number of high level sub-strategies and action plans:
- Our people and culture
- Our educational provision
- Our research and knowledge exchange
- Partnering with students and student experience
- Our global reputation
- Our growth and financial sustainability
- Our digital and physical infrastructure
- Our sustainability
- Our global footprint
Engage with our strategy
These ideas are a starting point – now it is over to you. Have some fun and tell us what you think of this proposal.
Shape the strategy >